Test loop for tuning triggers

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Test loop for tuning triggers

Post by skinnerfam95 »

Hi, I'm looking for a way be able to replay a test loop so I can adjust settings on the triggers. I attempted to create an RTSP stream using VLC, but I have not had any luck getting Blue Iris to read that stream as a new camera.
rtsp settings.png
Any help is appreciated. --Matt
rtsp settings.png
rtsp settings.png (35.41 KiB) Viewed 3422 times
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Re: Test loop for tuning triggers

Post by MikeBwca »

When playing back a recorded clip in edit mode, you can right-click and enable 'Test run video thru motion detector'.
You'll need to have a recording with at least 5-10 seconds before the motion.

When testing, set the recording for continuous (at least temporarily for testing). That way you'll set everything, including the missed triggers.
You'll need to change the cameras trigger settings, test... repeat.
Best to export your cameras settings first, so you have a way to restore is testing does not work.

What I've done in the past for testing triggering & zone crossing, is to setup 1, 2, and even 5, clones of the camera - each clone with different settings. This way, you can test several different scenarios at the same time.

Important note: Remember to disable 'Test run video thru motion detector' when done testing. Otherwise it will eat cpu needlessly.
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