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I/O Error & UI3 display

Posted: Fri Apr 10, 2020 11:17 am
by Dewcal
Relatively new user here with BI v x64 running as a service on Windows 10 Pro 1909 - i7-8700 @ 3.20GHz with 32Gb RAM - UI3 reports system running @ 11% CPU and 15% MEM.

I have 6 POE cameras - hikvision, trendnet and unbranded connected.

My first issue is that one camera repeatedly and randomly drops out giving an I/O error 0 and will then restore itself in due course. Whilst it has dropped out, I can still access it via a direct IP address in my browser. I have been unable to determine any pattern to these drop outs. I have the receive buffer set to 30Mb and "direct to disc" recording enabled. Any ideas as to what else I should try?

The camera is a "branded" hikvision which when viewed in "SADP" reports a model number of "IPC3042WD". It is getting POE from the same switch as another camera that is giving totally reliable output.

Any advice as to how I can get a reliable video stream on BI with this camera please?

A second query relates to using UI3 which up to yesterday has been great! I have 4 of the camera in one group that I would routinely have on a UI3 screen. On clicking any one of the cameras this would go to full screen which is great. One of these cameras is in a group on it's own so that viewing access could be given to that camera. Yesterday I added another one of the cameras to this viewing group.

Now when I click on the original camera feed on the UI3 screen I get both cameras in this "viewing group" on screen and am unable to get the original camera to appear full screen. If I click on the other camera (the newly added one) it will appear full screen. I am wondering which setting I have got wrong for this to happen? If I remove the second camera from this group the original camera will then go full screen.

Thanks in advance for any help.

Re: I/O Error & UI3 display

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2020 10:25 am
by Dewcal

Seemed to have been able to answer my own questions and posting information in case it is of any use to others.

Camera drop appears to have been solved by updating branded camera to the appropriate hikvision firmware - no drop outs over the last 24 hours so will see how it continues.

The appearance of the two feeds on the UI3 screen was my stupidity in naming a group the same as the short name of one of the cameras. Changed camera short name and now works as it should.


Re: I/O Error & UI3 display

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2020 10:58 am
by TimG
Hi Dewcal,

Well done for figuring that one out. I would have gone for network issues first, but hopefully you have it sorted. Thank you for posting back here :D

Re: I/O Error & UI3 display

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2020 8:53 am
by Dewcal
Hi Tim,

Am pleased to say that the camera that was giving a problem does not appear to have dropped signal since I applied the hikvision firmware to it. Long may it continue.