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Brand New with Blue IRIS .. help

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2020 5:31 pm
by jkhall
I have blue IRIS installed on a windows 2012 VM. 4vcp 12GB memory. Database on local flash drive.

I have a single camera right now, looking to add 3 more soon.

I am having a current problem where Blue IRIS is not recording with me selecting the "record start/stop' camera icon. At which time when I manually start the recording it goes for 30seconds and then stops. What am I doing wrong?

Re: Brand New with Blue IRIS .. help

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2020 9:11 am
by TimG
Hi jkhall,

I'm not sure which icon you are clicking, but if it is "Trigger now", then it will only record for a short specified time before it stops. Please have a look at the built in help file, accessed by clicking on the question mark at the top of the BI5 screen.

You can set the "Break time - end trigger unless re-triggered within X seconds" to stop a recording, but my personal preference is to have 24/7 recording, and then you can view the trigger video, and have a look what happened just before and after the trigger occurred.

If you don't record 24/7, it will only record for that specified time, unless re-triggered by motion etc. It's up to you 8-)

Re: Brand New with Blue IRIS .. help

Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2020 2:37 am
by MikeBwca
jkhall wrote: Sat Apr 11, 2020 5:31 pm ... I am having a current problem where Blue IRIS is not recording with me selecting the "record start/stop' camera icon. At which time when I manually start the recording it goes for 30seconds and then stops. What am I doing wrong?
In BI Settings, Cameras' tab, uncheck the 'Limit manual recording to...' check box. It's probably enabled and set to the default of 30 seconds?

Also, you can set the cameras 'Record' tab , 'Video' to 'Continuous', or, 'Record on trigger'. If space is an issue, choose 'Record on trigger', and set yourr triggers & trigger zone.