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Blue Iris crashes on start.

Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2020 8:21 am
by camstans
i have not had any issue with BI until today. I noticed i couldnt access the web server and when i checked the host computer BI was not running.
If i attempt to start it the splash pops up and promts me for my password, after submitting an error pop up comes up saying
"Blue Iris Video Security and WebCam Software has stopped working"

It is version 5 but cannot get into it to get the exact version.
ive read alot of posts but cannot find anything relating that works.
alot talk about windows updates, i tried to roll back in the setting but i am unable to as it says its been longer than 10 days.

i tried to uninstall and reinstall but the same thing happens. i am at a loss. it was working fine from only a few hours ago, well i suggest it was because there are saved clips etc.

any tips would be appreciated. system is basically crippled.

Re: Blue Iris crashes on start.

Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2020 1:11 pm
by jbahlman
I have a windows update scheduled overnight and this morning, i can't run Blue Iris either. Still troubleshooting.
This is the message i get when i try to start the admin : The service may not be initializing properly or quickly enough; try again in 30 seconds and reboot pc if this persists.

Re: Blue Iris crashes on start.

Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2020 1:20 am
by louyo
Anything in the Windows System/Application logs?
Not sure what might happen if one of the storage folders (New, etc) has a corrupt file. You might try renaming them temporarily. I would back all that stuff up before making any changes.


Re: Blue Iris crashes on start.

Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2020 1:48 am
by camstans
I was almost about to reset windows after trying to reinstall BI over 10 times, i found and followed this advise on this post.

I needed to start BI first as new in demo mode, then close it, then re apply the registry entry.
then BI started up like nothing had happened. I did need to go in a select run as a service again.

i have no idea why this all of a sudden happened, this is a standalone box just to run BI and no windows or any other updates had occurred. frustrating but now everything is good.

thankyou MikeBwca & reddawg

Re: Blue Iris crashes on start.

Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2020 10:47 am
by louyo
Glad you got it resolved.
