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Administration of cameraes

Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2020 4:54 pm
by Vikingcamera
Can anyone tell me if I can administer cameras from Blue Iris (e.g. add and delete users, change their passwords, set IP address etc.).

Re: Administration of cameraes

Posted: Sun Apr 26, 2020 6:53 am
by MikeBwca
Yes, from the desktop console, or, remote console.

Re: Administration of cameraes

Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2020 10:03 am
by Vikingcamera
I cannot find this. If I right click in a camera window, at the very bottom of the list, I see "Hardware property pages", but selecting that there is no respons.
Can you please provide some more detailed instructions?

Re: Administration of cameraes

Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2020 2:07 pm
by MikeBwca
Blue Iris is a IP camera security program. Of course you can administer the cameras and do what your asking. These are basic functions.

It appears your right clicking in the BI Console over a camera, and seeing 'Hardware properties page'.

At the top of the BI window, you'll see the 3-bars. This is the BI Main Menu. Click it, and select 'Settings/info'. There will be a few other options to add a new camera and 'remote access wizard'.

You will see the 'Blue Iris Settings'. There are several tabs. Add users in the 'Users' tab. You'll need to read more in the BI Help file for the basics of this, and, adding a camera...

To add a new camera, click the 3-bars, and select 'Add a new camera'.

There are many help files, and, YouTube videos on the basics of BI. Searching this forum will also give a lot of information.

Additional information would be helpful...
- Are you deciding if you want to purchase BI?
- Are you running the demo, or, purchased version? What version?
- Are you having a specific issue with BI?