Singe Anonymous Camera

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Joined: Fri May 29, 2020 12:20 am

Singe Anonymous Camera

Post by Segjin »

I love the enhanced login screen with the web server, but it seems to use that, I cannot have an anonymous user for a camera. It would be nice to be able to allow a camera to be anonymous even with the enhanced login screen/session keys.

In a nutshell, I have a camera for my 3d printer that I'd like to push over to BI as h264 in a nice fps/resolution. Then be able to have OctoPrint use a BI mjpg stream for it's UI and then BI for high quality snapshot. I was also going to do some python magic to use the overlay to try and display printer temperatures on the stream.

I guess I could have mjpg_streamer or something act as a proxy and whatever runs that proxy be allowed on the bypass list, but that seems overkill.

Maybe just be able to have anonymous and the logic screen? Then I can define as normal, what is available to the anonymous user. The logic screen could either take "anonymous" or have a button on it to login anonymously?
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