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Paid Version Turned Into Eval -- oopsie

Posted: Tue Jun 09, 2020 12:38 pm
by IPCamMan
Hi everyone,
new user to Blue Iris. Coming from Hikvision's IVMS, it's amazing.

Here's what I did.... my son was so excited to see the software on my computer, I thought it would be OK to let him install it on his computer,
and gave him my registration code. Seeing we are in the same house, I thought if I turned my computer off,
and he tried it out it on his computer it would be OK. I went to bed, ( my computer was off ) and my son is a night owl, and he had been playing
with the software when I went to bed.

This morning I wake up, turn on the computer, and when I opened Blue Iris, it tells me I'm running an evaluation version. Oh oh !
So I looked up my code, input it and now it's running fine. ( paid version once again )

I'm guessing that even though my computer was off, and we are in the same house, you aren't allowed doing this.

My question, did I put my key code at risk by having my son install the software and input that key on his computer ?
( note - my computer was off while he played with the software )

I just want to be honest with what I did, and don't want to get in trouble with Blue Irish and my key. I wonder if anyone has done this.
Let's say you have 2 computers, and want to use the BI software from time to time on a different computer while the other is off etc...
Anyway, just thought I would put my story and question out there,
Thanks very much for your time.

Re: Paid Version Turned Into Eval -- oopsie

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2020 12:57 pm
by louyo
If you go into settings, there is an option to deactivate. So, if necessary, you can do so in your son's machine.

Re: Paid Version Turned Into Eval -- oopsie

Posted: Sat Jul 11, 2020 9:31 am
by TimG
I agree that using rdp, or Splashtop/ Teamviewer etc would be the easy way for your son to look at BI5. There is also the demo mode, which would have allowed him a look around on his own pc.
I normally use UI3 to view my server from elsewhere, and only use Splashtop to change settings. I don't think you will have damaged anything by having this licence issue, but it's not wise to keep swapping the licence around - you may hit a limit of how many pc changes a month you can do. This would require an email to support to ask for a reset.
You can also purchase a second licence for your son. He would then be able to set up another set of cameras, as well as use the BI5 remote management functionality with your existing system.