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Push Notifications quit on me
Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2020 7:12 pm
by Drewsky208
Relatively newbie here, but I've had BI installed and working great for a couple of weeks. I installed it because I needed the "alerting" ability when the camera saw shenanigans in front of my house. I got it installed, set up alerting zones, and turned on push notifies. Great! Well, last night was the first night I truly needed such an alert due to an incident out front, but no push message. I haven't changed anything in days.
As troubleshooting I've removed + readded my phone in the mobile devices. I see the logs saying that a notification alert was sent "OK" but yet no notification on my phone. I'm not sure if this depends on a server at BI to work? Or is there problems at El Goog? (I'm on an android handset). I also tried to turn on pushes to my chromebook, and no alerts went there either. Anyone have any thoughts? I also sent a support request in.
Re: Push Notifications quit on me
Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2020 12:12 pm
by Matts1984
My first thought was that for whatever reason the activity didn't trigger an alert but you've ruled that out. If it said alert sent, I have no idea. I believe the communication for the alert goes direct to the big G so I don't think it's reliant on a BI intermediary.
I think that support request may be your best bet. Are you still receiving NO alerts? (ie... can you run outside and trigger one now?)
Re: Push Notifications quit on me
Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2020 5:57 pm
by Thixotropic
Just to be clear, it was working properly at one point, correct?
Did you do any updates to either Windows or BI just before you stopped getting alerts? If you upgraded BI, have you tried rolling back to an earlier version?
Finally, if you do a manual test the alert through the console or by physically triggering the camera, do you see an alert sent and/or received?
Re: Push Notifications quit on me
Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2020 2:03 pm
by Drewsky208
Thanks for the replies! Yes it was working absolutely perfectly. In fact, I was pleasantly surprised at how well it worked on the first try! I did not get any updates deployed. While I was troubleshooting and floundering around it actually pushed an update automatically, but it didn't change the behavior at all. I did do a little fun research to understand how the messaging works, and while it does seem to go to goog, it relies on the subscription being active from BI. So hopefully they have paid their bill
I totally blew away the BI software on my phone too just to make sure it didn't corrupt itself on me, but that didn't do any good either.
Finally, yes I opened a support case with them. I haven't heard back yet so will just patiently wait until they reply. Meantime I have configured it to send SMS messages to me (via email) so my alerts get to me, even though it's kinda crappy. And they work just fine, so that confirms to me that the BI alerting is working right.
Re: Push Notifications quit on me
Posted: Sun Jun 21, 2020 8:49 pm
by dwellonroof
My remote BI set up did that last week and I found the fix was in remote access wizard to allow BI.
Hope that helps.