Best BI compatible cameras to look outdoors through windows?

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Best BI compatible cameras to look outdoors through windows?

Post by jmmatthews20 »

I'm hopefully gonna moving into a rental house where they won't want me mounting cameras to walls. Can some recommend some good cameras that can sit on the windowsill and look out into the yard with night vision? There was a time when I would have use wansview k2's but that time is over.
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Re: Best BI compatible cameras to look outdoors through windows?

Post by terk »

If it's going to have to be inside it will need to be a starlight capable camera EmpireTech has a number of them on Amazon although there would still need to be at least some ambient light outside for it to work and if the camera has IRs they will need to be turned off so they don't glare off the window. The light in the room would also need to be off or at least something taped to the window over the camera to block the room light from glaring off the window.

This camera (model number in the name) is outside however it doesn't have IRs but the little ambient light from the neighbors lights is plenty for it.
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