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Minor Blueiris iOS Bug

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2020 4:11 pm
by cheesemonkeys
Hey guys! Been using BI since 2018 with great success.

I noticed a small bug (not sure if you would really call it that) on the iOS BI app which had me scratching my head (I thought my server went down). When connected to my local WIFI, but with the outside internet/WAN down, the app when trying to login with the "Lookup at Login" enabled will fail to update the IP addresses (because the WAN is down). When it fails due to timeout, in my opinion the expected behavior is to then use the currently inputted values to attempt to connect the BI server. Instead it just quits back to the main connect screen with a generic can not connect message.

To circumvent this, you can temporarily uncheck the "lookup at login" button.

Is there a safety concern leading to this behavior? If so, could there be a second button option "Connect with previous known IP addresses if lookup times out).