Main/sub stream and web streaming
Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2020 2:58 am
Currently I have my home automation system presenting camera feeds in it's dashboards, streaming from Blue Iris using one of the m3u8 playlists (e.g. http://blueiris:81/h264/street/temp.m3u8).
Since implementing substreams, this is the default stream used in web streaming. When I use the Blue Iris web interface, selecting a camera starts playing the substream but then switches to the main stream within 15 seconds or so. I haven't been able to identify how this is done. Is there a different URL for the main stream so I could do similar with my home automation dashboard (e.g. dashboard view, use substreams, open an individual camera, use main stream)?
Since implementing substreams, this is the default stream used in web streaming. When I use the Blue Iris web interface, selecting a camera starts playing the substream but then switches to the main stream within 15 seconds or so. I haven't been able to identify how this is done. Is there a different URL for the main stream so I could do similar with my home automation dashboard (e.g. dashboard view, use substreams, open an individual camera, use main stream)?