Sub streams and H265

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Sub streams and H265

Post by TimG »

This is an odd one. Basically, I had my BI5 running with H265, and all was well. Then I tried sub-streams, and had to reset my cameras to H264, else nothing was recorded.

So here I am a few weeks later thinking "Why did i have to put them back on H264 ?".

I went to my Dahua cam settings, and put them to H265 for the main and sub-stream. I could see the low res video in BI5, so manually triggered the camera to see what it would record. Nothing at all.

Reset to H264 and all OK. Reset to H265 and nothing recorded.

Now I've only tried it with one cam (so it could be that this cam needs a firmware update), but does anybody have any idea what is going on here ?

A search on the internet doesn't give any idea that it won't work with H265 :?
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Re: Sub streams and H265

Post by Matts1984 »

Thats an odd one - I have no idea. Of course I'd like to figure out why but ultimately in the long run I backed my cameras down from H.265 (H.265+ even!) to H.264 for the quality of the stream. Since it's all local wired network I'm not worried about network loads so I don't need the added compression... I have the pipe, fill 'er up. It does result in added disk storage usage but I'm still getting an acceptable amount of time saved.

The TLDR version = no clue, would be annoying/frustrating to not know why this is happening, ultimately unless you have a reason I'd stick with H.264 anyway.

(before posting edit - Actually apparently my mainstreams are still H.265 but my subs are H.264, still no clue on why the issue though??????????)
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