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Zone monitoring reset themselves to full screen
Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2020 4:51 pm
by LyndMc
Has anyone experienced their monitored and blocked zones resetting on their own? I've had it happen a few times, the zones disappear and the entire screen becomes a monitored zone. I usually realize there's an issue when all of a sudden I'm getting a ton of alerts. I fix it, save it, and move on until it happens again.
Re: Zone monitoring reset themselves to full screen
Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2020 4:05 am
by MikeBwca
That's happened at least once to me also. A few other settings have also unexpectedly changed - but I cannot recall them.
Just a few days ago another setting from a camera changed. I believe that was from another change I made elsewhere. In any event, I just extracted the cameras exported .reg file from a recent BlueIris backup and imported it back into the camera.