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Wansview W4

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2020 3:02 pm
by GeoffC
Hi all.

Can someone provide pointers on how to get this camera set up in BI.

My router has details on the camera in its client list, and I know this camera is connected via ethernet cable.

Asking BI to connect to the camera seems fraught with uncertain settings - has anyone had any success with this model - it seems to be there in the list under Wansview, but I cannot get any success. Errors are around IP / Password - but all are set correctly. Port is 80 RTSP is 554.

Wansview's own software leaves a lot to be desired!



Re: Wansview W4

Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2020 4:03 pm
by GeoffC
No problem - Have sorted it.

Needed a local account setting up in the Wansview App on phone.
Then use rtsp address instead of http, on BI.


Re: Wansview W4

Posted: Wed Oct 28, 2020 3:00 pm
by jkm001
Can you post exactly what you changed on the phone app and in Blue Iris? I'm having the same problem. Works fine through the phone app but on Blue Iris I get a 'No Signal' error. Thanks.

OK nevermind. Wansview has a guide which the 3rd time after I followed it worked. ... 438646.pdf