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How to show all motion types in mobile as alerts

Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2021 8:17 pm
by Fazed

I have been trying to solve an issue related to having three zones in each camera (which works perfectly, recordings work correctly on the server and each triggered alert shows the correct motion (eg. Motion A, Motion AB, Motion BC etc.). However I do not seem to be able to get these alerts to show up correctly on the mobile, the mobile only shows Motion A as alerts and does not show anything else on the alert list, it does show the other types of alerts if you browse by recordings from a specific camera, so it is aware and can see those recordings, just does not list them as alerts. The camera also does the push alert correctly, just does not list the alert causing the push to trigger.

Specs are Windows 10 machine with plenty of resources and iPhone Xs. Both work wonderfully except regarding showing any other alerts besides Motion A on the phone.

Now, there are quite a lot of settings involved so before describing those I thought to ask if anybody has an idea on a "simple" setting that could cause this, something I have not realized to check - there is sometimes something quite obvious causing an issue and pointing these quick fixes out could already solve the issue.

- jani