I did purchase this camera and am trying to get it up and running in this excellent software Blue Iris 5.
So far i have no success with trying to connect this camera and gets the message: no signal.
The PC software 360eye S has no problem with this camera, but because i do prefer Blue Iris (and paid for it) and has very nice features and many settings.
I have looked around for many many hours and did not find the right solution that is why i am posting this topic.
When i do a Find/inspect i get the following log:
Opening port 80...
HTTP Get / request...
Failed with HTTP 12029
Opening port 8899...
ONVIF GetSystemDateAndTime
HTTP 12029
Checking for common cameras...
Foscam FI86xx/98xx compatible?
Foscam FI89xx compatible?
Foscam FI9821 V2 compatible?
Foscam FI9821 media port compatible?
Cantonk port 34567?
RTSP port open?
RTSP port detected!
Hoping for success,