Newbie stupidity or bug?

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Newbie stupidity or bug?

Post by NathTheDude »

Hey all,

Newbie coming through, nice to be here. I downloaded and have been playing with BI5 for a couple of days now and have been through various you tube vids so far.

I am trying to set up scheduling and I believe I had got it all sorted in my head but there looks to be an issue, either with the interface or my lack of understanding how it should work. Essentially I want to set my camera for my babys room to continuously record whilst he is sleeping
  • Profiles tab - renamed profile 3 to have a relevant name
  • Schedule tab - edited profile 3 so that recording is happening for certain times during the day. For profile 3 red is used, red is seen where I want to record and black (profile 0) is seen where I do not want it to record
  • On the camera settings - I have tried to set the profile on the 'record' and the 'trigger' tab to profile 3 and set to continuously record, however this does not seem to save when I press 'ok'
What I have seen is that when I am logged in to the BI5 console on my server is that in the top toolbar where it has the two drop down's, by default these are set to 'Default' and '1 Active'. Seems that when I change these this actually sets all the cameras to these profiles which I just dont understand. For exaple if I change the second dropdown from '1 Active' to '3 Name of my Profile' then it seems to change all the cameras there to use that profile in all the camera settings?

How can I set this so that camera's expect different profiles?

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Re: Newbie stupidity or bug?

Post by NathTheDude »


3 weeks and no response from this or the same message I sent in to the support email? Sad times.
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Re: Newbie stupidity or bug?

Post by terk »

When you sent your ticket did you use the support button in the Blue Iris settings screen so it included all the Blue Iris information including your license? I know if you didn't include that there have been times the emails went to the spam folder on their side. I sent a question last night and got a response this morning.

As far as the profiles goes they are global once you set them but each camera can respond to those profiles differently. I have a Home, Evening, Night, Away, and Away Night profiles, which my Hubitat hub sets to match it's modes with arrival/departure, Sunset/Sunrise, or when we go to sleep. When we are home all of the outside cameras record 24/7, they also activate virtual motion sensors on Hubitat whenever detected and one of those (the driveway) announces via TTS, but none of them send alerts. In the evening or night they send alerts as well. When we are away all the cameras record 24/7 and alert on motion. That is setup individually at the cameras per Alert setting per profile.
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Re: Newbie stupidity or bug?

Post by TimG »

3 weeks and no response from this or the same message I sent in to the support email? Sad times.
All no response on the forum means, is that we don't know :? I fiddle with most settings, but not these ones. Yet !
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