I've been using BI for years but after upgrading all of my switches a few months ago to Qnap managed 10GbEs, I've started to notice that BI is causing some odd behaviour.
SMB copies are perfect when BI is not running, but as soon as I fire it up, they become extremely erratic.
Cams are 1x Dericam S1 (1280x960) and 4x Foscams (720p).
I've tested this dozens of times both with BI4 and BI5, and each time, it's like flicking a switch.
This is a 26GB file copy across the LAN without BI running:
And this is with BI running:
Blue Iris causes odd network interference
Re: Blue Iris causes odd network interference
What is the bit-rate of all cameras coming into the BI machine?
Re: Blue Iris causes odd network interference
That is weird. Have you:
1. Excluded BI from anti virus programs ?
2. Informed Support ?
1. Excluded BI from anti virus programs ?
2. Informed Support ?
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Re: Blue Iris causes odd network interference
I've excluded BI from AV, unfortunately it made no difference.
I haven't contacted support direct as yet.
As a workaround I've moved all of my cameras to another subnet and I'm running BI from a VM, not ideal but it's bodge-fixed it for now but I would sooner find out what is the cause rather than just fixing the symptom.