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DeepStack AI setting to store unrecognized faces

Posted: Mon Apr 12, 2021 1:46 am
by terk
I setup my global AI settings with face detection and to store unrecognized faces to a Faces folder but after a lot of captures today that folder is still empty. I haven't added any faces manually yet, my idea was to use one of the captured images and upload it as a named face, maybe I have to have one added first? Has anyone else tried to get it to store unrecognized faces yet?


Re: DeepStack AI setting to store unrecognized faces

Posted: Tue Apr 13, 2021 1:47 am
by Wires
I've configured the 4 faces for our family, but not sure how to detect on them. I did get 3 of our faces get cropped and put in the "faces" folder, but it seems pretty few and far between. My feeling is when you get a trigger, it's not a clean closeup so it's triggering on "person" for me.

Re: DeepStack AI setting to store unrecognized faces

Posted: Tue Apr 13, 2021 1:58 am
by terk
Thanks, givin that I'm thinking that facial recognition isn't likely to really work with the placement of my cameras as they are about 7 feet up and it's rare we walk straight at one. Doesn't really matter, DeepStack is doing what I need it to in regards to false detection elimination, I just thought I'd play with facial detection to see what it was like since it's there now.

Re: DeepStack AI setting to store unrecognized faces

Posted: Tue Apr 13, 2021 3:19 am
by Starbuck
An Interesting question is how do you get it to alert you when a face that you have uploaded to the system is triggered? and within the alert description how do you know which one of the faces it is?

Re: DeepStack AI setting to store unrecognized faces

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2021 10:50 pm
by Wires
My understanding is if you labeled a face as "bob" then in the trigger you'd list "bob" in the AI trigger section. Then the alert would say "bob" instead of "car".

Re: DeepStack AI setting to store unrecognized faces

Posted: Thu Apr 22, 2021 8:22 am
by arganaz
On my end, Faces option, seems to pickup several photos of each member of my family as if a diferent person, depending on the angle.
can we set a set a group of same person photos to one person and "train" deepstack from there? from whitin BI?

Re: DeepStack AI setting to store unrecognized faces

Posted: Sun Jul 11, 2021 12:51 pm
by Kawharu
You set the names for faces like robert_1, robert_2, robert_3, etc... then with the rules you select with robert*