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WebUI works both local and remote, but "unable to connect" via app (both local and remote)

Posted: Thu Jun 03, 2021 12:56 am
by JohnnyPrimus
Hey everyone,

I have a blue iris server running on my LAN and can connect to the Web UI both via LAN, and remotely. When I try to access via the Blue Iris android app I get "Unable to connect" -- via both LAN and internet. I can connect to the WebUI on the same device that's running the app.

Looking for advice on how/where I can start troubleshooting. Not clear what the app is doing differently or why I would encounter different results in one vs the other.

Is there any special stunnel config I need to do to enable the app to work? Do I need a valid SSL cert on stunnel for the app to work?


Re: WebUI works both local and remote, but "unable to connect" via app (both local and remote)

Posted: Thu Jun 03, 2021 1:37 am
by HeneryH
Maybe the selector for http / https ?

Re: WebUI works both local and remote, but "unable to connect" via app (both local and remote)

Posted: Thu Jun 03, 2021 8:39 pm
by JohnnyPrimus
I tried changing the selector from http to https (and changing to the http port) and got the same problem.

So the symptoms are:
  • I get the "unable to connect" message when using that same IP/port (and https) via the app
Is the app configured to only ignore the default stunnel certificates? I had stunnel configured to use a valid wildcard Lets Encrypt cert, but that cert has since expired. Wondering if the app is unwilling to connect via that cert?

Now that I've said that though, I also get that error when I use plain http (which should bypass stunnel entirely)

Does anyone know if I can get more detailed log info from the Blue Iris android app?