Hi I have managed to get face recognition working reasonably well with two people I used greenshot to get a snapshot of just the head of my wife and grand daughter I made ten of each grabbing different angles and distances from BI snapshots when ALL was pressed in console. I named the pictures like Louise1 to Louise10 and in the camera AI added Louise* for a wildcard in the General AI clicked on faces and imported each one Louise1 to Louise10 then had to rename them as they imported as face back to the original names I used same for my wife, My grand daughter comes everymorning before school and after school for the last couple of days worked fine just shows her name with number and % in the Alerts section of the console along with car on the driveway.
Now the only thing I cannot get to work is a picture saved for the unknown faces, it never has saved anything in the folder I set in clips and archiving
F:\Blueiris\Unknown the path is valid and set it as the saved folder in general AI in Save unknown faces to. Anyone got any ideas why I have checked and double checked but cant see why its not saving unknown faces any suggestions welcomed
thank you