Question of users of Reolink RCL cameras ??

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Question of users of Reolink RCL cameras ??

Post by roadkill401 »

I got two ReoLink cameras. One RCL510a and one RCL520a cameras. I don't know if I have ever gotten them to work properly. I have them hooked up to a Netgear GS108PE switch feeding to my main network. I have never gotten them to work at the full spec 30fps@6144 kbps encoding. with the two cameras running at this rate I get 0.5-1.5 seconds of total frame dropping where the stream from the camera doesn't work. This is an improvement from when I had them hooked up to a MokerLink 10/100 poe switch that could only support 15fps@3072. So I am thinking it might be a bandwidth problem (even though the camera's are only 100mb/s so a 1000 mb/s ethernet should be able to support it.

A few questions.

1. what frame rate do you run your camera's at?
2. do you run them at a high bit encoding to get a clearer picture?
3. what resolution do you run your camera's at?

I am curious to know if it's just me looking for issues where really what I have is good enough to work. I was thinking of getting an Annke C800 dome camera to give it a try as I can likely repurpose the RCL520a to be used somewhere else.
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Re: Question of users of Reolink RCL cameras ??

Post by pilot2 »

I have an RLC-810A that drops video from a few seconds up to 6 minutes. I have been working with Reolink support and they just can't make it work without video dropouts. They have sent me multiple versions of unreleased firmware in an attempt to fix the problem. Some firmware was better and some was worse, but nothing worked acceptably for a security camera. I have 6 other cameras that work perfectly. The 810A was my first Reolink camera and it will be my last.
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