Hi all,
I have a clip in the browser. I have clicked to export it. The export failed (see separate topic), so I tried again. The new export went into the "Convert/Export List" and is now stuck at "Queued". There are currently now four jobs "Queued" and no jobs running at all. I can't now export anything - new exports just sit saying "Queued"!
My question How do I delete export jobs from the queue or clear out the queue completely.
I've tried restarting the browser, but that doesn't do it. I've remote desktopped to the server and can't see anywhere that a queue is referenced.
I haven't yet restarted BI as I'd rather not interrupt the recording unless I have absolutely no other option.
Any ideas anybody?
**UPDATE** - I need an export urgently, so I restarted BI. The queue still has jobs in it and I can't see any way of clearing it. This is getting urgent