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DeepStack Cancels Alert -> Motion Detected in Hotspot

Posted: Sun Aug 01, 2021 4:16 pm
by YrbkMgr
Latest version of BI. A person crossed a Hotpot zone (H) and Deepstack cancelled the alert. Deepstack analysis from the Status window shows that DS identified a person with 76 % confidence.

As far as I can tell, that's almost never good... Any thoughts?

I manually confirmed and flagged this but:
Blue Iris DeepStack Cancelled Alert Clip.png
Blue Iris DeepStack Cancelled Alert Clip.png (35.81 KiB) Viewed 7923 times
Blue Iris DeepStack Cancelled Alert Status.png
Blue Iris DeepStack Cancelled Alert Status.png (174 KiB) Viewed 7923 times

Re: DeepStack Cancels Alert -> Motion Detected in Hotspot

Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2021 1:01 am
by supermiguel
how did u get that screen to work? Mine is always blank

Re: DeepStack Cancels Alert -> Motion Detected in Hotspot

Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2021 3:15 am
by YrbkMgr
supermiguel wrote: Mon Aug 02, 2021 1:01 am how did u get that screen to work? Mine is always blank
It's mentioned on this page: Advanced - Deepstack + Blue Iris https: ... 8754#p8754

"In order to get the feature to work:
  • First check "Save DeepStack analysis" in Camera settings -> Trigger tab -> Artificial Intelligence. This setting will start creating *.dat files in the Alerts folder pertaining to the meta data for each motion trigger.
  • Open the Status -> DeepStack window.
  • Double click any motion trigger in the Clips List and the DeepStack Status window will populate with the DeepStack meta data making it much easier to understand what is going on."

In spite of their best efforts with documentation there is still a large body of "tribal knowledge" with this stuff...

Re: DeepStack Cancels Alert -> Motion Detected in Hotspot

Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2021 4:21 am
by shap

I have exactly the same problem. As you can see in your image, the problem is not with deepstack but rather with coordinates of motion that were passed from blue iris. Basically, DeepStack will really look only in the motion rectangle (that you can see in yellow) and the person object is not inside.
It seems to me that BI is out of sync with actual motion coordinates that were passed to DS.

Here is mine:
1628598922149.jpg (98.25 KiB) Viewed 7786 times

Re: DeepStack Cancels Alert -> Motion Detected in Hotspot

Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2021 5:49 am
by shap
BTW, you can try to disable Object Detection under Camera Settings -> Trigger -> Configure and see if it helps. It does seems to help in my case.

Re: DeepStack Cancels Alert -> Motion Detected in Hotspot

Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2021 5:32 pm
by YrbkMgr
problem is not with deepstack but rather with coordinates of motion that were passed from blue iris
Yep. I think you're on to something - and maybe that's where the timings of the AI Trigger play a role. Just like your example, DS identifies a person yet doesn't confirm the alert.

So... I'm working with Support now on the Zone H situation and am told that it will be corrected in the next update of BI. They're also working with me to understand the DAT analysis. I'll post back when I know more.

Re: DeepStack Cancels Alert -> Motion Detected in Hotspot

Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2021 5:42 pm
by shap
Just to add - it seems that switching to substream for DS (unlectect "use main stream if possible" option) also solves the problem.
Seems that there this some out-of-sync issues between main and sub streams. However, as this problem started with all my cameras,
I think the bug is in BI and not in the camera.

Re: DeepStack Cancels Alert -> Motion Detected in Hotspot

Posted: Sat Aug 14, 2021 12:23 pm
by YrbkMgr
I appreciate that input. I've changed that setting and will have to wait to see how it does. What I abhor, however, is this constant "guess and check" method of analyzing and tuning....

That said, I'll post back with an update to the changes you suggested and also when I get additional input from BI Support. FWIW, I appreciate the conversation.