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PTZ Controls: Focus Near/Far? What does that do?

Posted: Tue Aug 31, 2021 3:20 pm
by YrbkMgr
I feel this is a stupid question, but I've spent a few hours trying to find out what "Focus Near/Far" does in the PTZ controls of the BI Console.
focus near or far.JPG
focus near or far.JPG (14.94 KiB) Viewed 2082 times
Is that function driven by the camera's capability (to zoom, e.g.)? Another way to ask I guess is... what does that do and what are the requirements for it to do it?

My Amcrest IP3M-943B camera specs say:
focus near or far-camera lens specs.JPG
focus near or far-camera lens specs.JPG (27.46 KiB) Viewed 2082 times

I don't know what Focus Control = Manual means and the documentation from the camera's user manual doesn't address it.

Is Focus Near/Far in BI even relevant to that camera? Any help in understanding this is appreciated.

Re: PTZ Controls: Focus Near/Far? What does that do?

Posted: Tue Aug 31, 2021 4:11 pm
by TimG
As I understand it, it is only for optical zoom, and only for manually focusing a camera that won't do it itself. My Dahua varifocal and the Dahua ptz's focus automatically after changing the zoom level - you can then see the focus changing in/out perfect.

Re: PTZ Controls: Focus Near/Far? What does that do?

Posted: Tue Aug 31, 2021 4:35 pm
by YrbkMgr
thanks. that leads me to think that it's driven by the camera features, and mine don't have it. I can put that to bed now.