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Pre-trigger video buffer not working

Posted: Tue Dec 28, 2021 10:03 pm
by dodgeboy
I converted all of my cameras from AI_Tool to the native Deepstack integration. Ever since then, my pre-trigger video buffer is not working. The alert footage starts at the point of alert/trigger instead of the x seconds I am requesting with the pre-trigger video buffer. This is the case for all of my cameras.

I'm currently on v5.5.4.2, but this also happened on I upgraded from when I began this process, but that is the only other thing that changed.

Note: All of my cameras are triggered by separate cameras (the sub stream) because I only want my UI3 to auto-maximize on alert (vs motion). That's why you don't see motion detection configured in the screenshots.

Re: Pre-trigger video buffer not working

Posted: Sun Jan 02, 2022 1:10 am
by YrbkMgr
Page 22 of the help file says:
Playback offsets for new alerts [] will begin at the motion-leading position rather than the beginning of the entire pre-trigger buffer.
When you look at the timeline the start frame marker starts at that motion-leading position.
2022-01-01_190800.JPG (21.68 KiB) Viewed 2646 times

Re: Pre-trigger video buffer not working

Posted: Mon Jan 03, 2022 9:03 pm
by dodgeboy
Thanks! That explains it. I actually did read/search through the help file, but I was looking in the actual config portion instead of the update notes. I assumed it was something I messed up when reconfiguring my cameras. I'll have to dig around and see if there is a way to disable this new functionality. I'd like to act the way it acted before. I have a couple cameras that don't have modifiable key frame intervals, so having a few seconds of pre-trigger video in the alerts is critical for me.

Re: Pre-trigger video buffer not working

Posted: Tue Jan 04, 2022 12:49 am
by YrbkMgr
Pre-trigger buffer is critical for anyone using DeepStack.
The pre-trigger image is now used as the first image sent to AI for alert confirmation.
This is an image captured at first motion rather than at the moment of trigger, so it may be
earlier in time by as much as the motion sensor’s make time.
When using dual-streaming, JPEG images will be created from the main-stream instead of
the sub-stream where possible. Rather than fully spooling up main-stream decoding, the
software uses the direct-to-disc pre-trigger frames buffer to synthesize these images. This
means you should specify at least enough pre-trigger time on the Record tab to span the
key-frame interval for your main-stream.

As far as reverting to the way it was before... I'd be more inclined to just set the slider where I want it and if necessary, copy it to clipboard. In any event, looks like you're on your way. Help is here if you need it.