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Duplicate Cameras appeared out of nowhere

Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2022 1:04 pm
by jbrady1021
I have a rather bizarre situation. I am running Blue Iris 5 and have been for over a year with no issues. I am running 14 cameras of which 2 are PTZ'....I come in one day and suddenly my 2 ptz''s are mirroring each other. I move one and the other one moves simultaneously. I went in and noted that somehow the to cameras are now sharing the same IP address??? My options to access the camera settings tab are greyed out. The option to delete the camera is greyed out. I tried to uncheck "Run as a Windows Service" but get and error "Could Note Open Service Manager" I tried rebooting router, rebooting PC but, from the command line ipconfig/Release and renew ip addresses
The cameras go offline momentarily but come back with the same PTZ's mirroring each other. I am running as Administrator when Blue iris....I am at a loss for a solution other than uninstalling and reinstalling Blue Iris....Any Ideas????

Re: Duplicate Cameras appeared out of nowhere

Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2022 3:47 pm
by TimG
Since the camera IP address is set on the camera itself, can you check both camera webservers to see what the IP's actually are ? They should have static IP's.

I'm also interested what happens if you disconnect one camera and reboot BI5, but that is just curiosity :lol:

Re: Duplicate Cameras appeared out of nowhere

Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2022 7:41 pm
by IAmATeaf
Start by trying to logon to the actual cams themselves to see what IP addresses they have, then check the configs for both cams within BI, specifically the IP address that BI is using to pull the streams from the cams.

Re: Duplicate Cameras appeared out of nowhere

Posted: Sun Jan 09, 2022 10:52 am
by TimG
I guess we need to understand a few more details here:

1. Do your cameras have static IP addresses set up within the on-camera webserver ? Or
2. Do your cameras have quasi-static IP addresses by using address reservation on the router ?
3. When the cameras are mirroring each other, can you see footage from one camera, or from both ?

We will adjourn until the responses are in from the OP :ugeek: