One duplicate camera disconnecting, the other still connected
Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2022 11:01 pm
Hi all,
For each of my 10 Dahua cameras I want to continuously record as well as record any detected motion and store motion detection video in one location (NAS) and continuous video somewhere else (USB drive to avoid constant writes to my NAS).
I've set this up by following some advice I found here (I think) that suggested setting up two cameras in BI which point to the same IP camera. So for example I have "Garage" and "contGarage" with exactly the same connection information (IP address, user, video config etc) with the only difference being "Garage" triggers on motion and stores in 'New' etc and "contGarage" constantly records and saves video into "Aux1". I've done this so that video from motion detection and continuous are stored on different locations.
This seems to work well with one exception. Regularly the "contGarage" camera has a yellow triangle next to it and the video feed stops in the GUI. The "Garage" camera is still working though so the camera is still working. Also it appears the continuous recording is still happening so again BI is still talking to the camera.
I've checked the frame rate - cameras are set to 5fps as are the config for both "Garage" and "contGarage". I also can't see anything in the logs that indicates why there's a problem.
I'm using ver
Any ideas?
For each of my 10 Dahua cameras I want to continuously record as well as record any detected motion and store motion detection video in one location (NAS) and continuous video somewhere else (USB drive to avoid constant writes to my NAS).
I've set this up by following some advice I found here (I think) that suggested setting up two cameras in BI which point to the same IP camera. So for example I have "Garage" and "contGarage" with exactly the same connection information (IP address, user, video config etc) with the only difference being "Garage" triggers on motion and stores in 'New' etc and "contGarage" constantly records and saves video into "Aux1". I've done this so that video from motion detection and continuous are stored on different locations.
This seems to work well with one exception. Regularly the "contGarage" camera has a yellow triangle next to it and the video feed stops in the GUI. The "Garage" camera is still working though so the camera is still working. Also it appears the continuous recording is still happening so again BI is still talking to the camera.
I've checked the frame rate - cameras are set to 5fps as are the config for both "Garage" and "contGarage". I also can't see anything in the logs that indicates why there's a problem.
I'm using ver
Any ideas?