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Stream Formats

Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2022 5:38 pm
by KarlS

I am trying to use Node-RED and a Contrib (Smart NORA: ... -smartnora) for creating Google Home Smart Actions to create a Camera to view over my Google Displays/Chromecast. I think this is breaking down on the formats. The display can accept the following:
  • hls: HTTP Live Streaming
    dash: Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP
    smooth stream
    progressive mp4
The list comes from the Smart Home CameraStream Trait Schema page: ... attributes

I have other items working, just not the camera, so I believe I just need to get the correct access URL for one or more of the above options.

I have tried what appears to be the hls url:
and while this works in a browser it is not working for the display.

I have also tried this URL, which works if I use a Chromecast plugin for HomeSeer, but does not resize the video to fill the display regardless of the value for w, and has other issues making it a less than desirable method:
I have used this URL in (I believe) all the options listed above. Changing the value of w to something smaller than 1280 does reduce the video size.

I am currently using the Test version of Blue Iris with 2 cameras. Admittedly I have only spent about 8 hours exploring Blue Iris, this forum, and the help files and trying to get this to work.

Any idea what I may need to provide to make this work?

Kindest Regards,
Karl, the new guy.

Re: Stream Formats

Posted: Sun Jan 30, 2022 2:43 am
by YrbkMgr
I just need to get the correct access URL for one or more of the above options
In your shoes, I would do the following: Camera settings -> Video tab -> Configure. Enter the ip of the camera, enter the UN/PW used to access the camera, then Find/Inspect. The streaming profiles will populate allowing you to select the main and sub-stream profile params for live streaming.
BI Camera Config_sm.jpg
BI Camera Config_sm.jpg (165.11 KiB) Viewed 4684 times
And it's just my two cents, but I read this about Google Smart Home:
Yes, starting with the 1st of December, a paid subscription is required to have more than 5 devices synchronized with Google Home.
Never in a million years would I let them hold me hostage - I hate subscriptions.

Re: Stream Formats

Posted: Mon Jan 31, 2022 5:55 pm
by KarlS
YrbkMgr wrote: Sun Jan 30, 2022 2:43 am
I just need to get the correct access URL for one or more of the above options
In your shoes, I would do the following: Camera settings -> Video tab -> Configure. Enter the ip of the camera, enter the UN/PW used to access the camera, then Find/Inspect. The streaming profiles will populate allowing you to select the main and sub-stream profile params for live streaming.
That doesn't work. The Find/Inspect changes the rtsp: to htps: and I cannot get anything but the first (default) of the 4 cameras the GXV3504 outputs when I use the settings which are "discovered." Plus no Main nor Sub Streams are provided. I just get the (default) and (none) options. Maybe these units are too old for the Find/Inspect capability. Or too complex with 4 cameras connected. As mentioned, I can get URLs to view the cameras direct, but none seem to work for pushing to the Google displays. URLs are here:

So I was hopeful that Blue Iris had a feed which would work, but apparently it does not, so I will likely uninstall and look for another method. I do not currently need recording capabilities, so no need to run this if it is not capable of my needs.
And it's just my two cents, but I read this about Google Smart Home:
Yes, starting with the 1st of December, a paid subscription is required to have more than 5 devices synchronized with Google Home.
Never in a million years would I let them hold me hostage - I hate subscriptions.
Well, with 5 free devices on the Smart NORA nodes for Node-RED, I can do what I need for free IF I can make this work. If I need more, the subscription being charged is minimal and only paying for the increased needs of his server. But to get completely local control of things when Google requires an internet server to be pinged someplace, I am okay with the minimal fee if I ever need more than 5 devices.

Re: Stream Formats

Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2022 4:56 am
by YrbkMgr
I dunno man, works for me. I studied the page you referenced and this is the method for finding the camera in BI. See Camera Connector article (Step 3) for best practices when connecting cameras with advanced functionality.
BI Network IP Camera Config Dialog 0.jpg
BI Network IP Camera Config Dialog 0.jpg (133.02 KiB) Viewed 4658 times

Re: Stream Formats

Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2022 6:11 pm
by KarlS
Yes, I followed those steps. Step 6 had only (default) and (none) after doing them. I can get the camera to show in BI. What I cannot figure out is a stream from BI to the Smart NORA node for viewing a stream with a Google Display. And none of the ones out from the Grandstream unit seem to work either.

I may have to get a RTSP to HSL converter running, such as

Thank you for the input. It is appreciated!

Re: Stream Formats

Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2022 12:44 am
by YrbkMgr
Gotcha. I did a scant amount of research on Smart NORA and whatever you're trying to accomplish is above my pay grade I would advise writing BI support. They'll know, and you pay for the right to ask.
When writing for support, you must include basic software and license details. For your convenience you will find an Email support button on this page. This button will copy important information to the Windows clipboard. In order to make use of this information, you must them open an email to send to Please make the subject descriptive in order to prevent our mail server from combing it with others of the same subject. In the BODY of the message (not the subject), use the Windows PASTE command (control-V) to insert your support information at the beginning of your message.