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Turn off cameras with groups ?

Posted: Tue Feb 08, 2022 9:34 am
by BelzeButhB
Hey everyone !
I use BI5 to do live monitoring and I wanted to know if we had a solution to turn off the cameras that are not in the selected group?
It would reduce my permformance and ethernet consumption, because I use more than 20 cameras.

Re: Turn off cameras with groups ?

Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2022 11:54 pm
by YrbkMgr
There are ways to manage network traffic depending on the problem. It's not clear though what problem the 20 cameras are causing. I mean to say... sure, turning off camera's theoretically should reduce LAN traffic but what problem are you trying to solve?

Re: Turn off cameras with groups ?

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2022 8:45 am
by MikeBwca
There is no way that I know of to do this automatically when changing groups, as Groups may contain some of the same cameras.
It would be nice to have two commands when changing groups... Enter & Leave.

A quick & dirty way is to add the 'other cameras' to a group named 'Toggle Cams'. Switch to the 'Toggle Cams' group and manually disable each camera. Then switch back to the group you use.

However, there is a work around to accomplish what you want. One time setup, and quicker to disable.
By using PTZ/Control. I do this in one of my groups to disable other cameras that I do not need to view & record (saving cpu/gpu).
Do this for just a few cameras at first, to see how it works.
Remember to save the camera settings before and after (with different names), so you can recover if you don't like the changes.

1. Choose a camera in the group you want to view.

2. Choose a ptz. I use '6', since it's the first one in the second row under '1'. I use PTZ as my Home position.

3. With the camera in the Home PTZ 1 position, long-click PTZ 6. This will set PTZ 6 to the same position as PTZ 1. This is so the camera does not move when disabling/enabling the other cameras.

4. In the cameras settings, click the 'PTZ/Control' tab.

5. Click the 'Edit presets...' button.

6. In the left column, select #6.

7. In the right area, change the 'Description to something like '6, Toggle other Cams'.

8. Click 'On call...' button.

9. Click the plus button to add a command, then select 'Do command'.

10. Change the 'Command' field to 'Camera Enable'. This command toggles the camera Enable/Disable. There is no camera disable.

11. Choose the camera to enable/disable when ptz 6 is clicked.

12. Repeat steps 9 - 11 for each camera you want to enable/disable.

13. when finished adding the camera, make sure you 'OK' out. The camera will reset within BI.

Now, when you click ptz 6, the other cameras will toggle their state... If their Enabled, they will disable. If their disabled, they will enable.
You can add one of the other cameras to the group so that you know the state. If you see it's enabled, just click ptz 6.

Since this method just toggles the cameras state, they might get out-of-syn. That is, if some are enabled and some are disabled, this method will only 'toggle them'.

Re: Turn off cameras with groups ?

Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2022 10:03 am
by BelzeButhB
MikeBwca wrote: Thu Feb 10, 2022 8:45 am A quick & dirty way is to add the 'other cameras' to a group named 'Toggle Cams'. Switch to the 'Toggle Cams' group and manually disable each camera. Then switch back to the group you use.
Thank you for your reply.
This technique works well, when used with a trigger on group change. Sadly, this trigger doesn't work for me :cry:
An option to turn off the cameras when changing groups could be a good solution for a future update :D

Re: Turn off cameras with groups ?

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2022 1:29 am
by MikeBwca
Have you sent BI Support a request fir this?

Re: Turn off cameras with groups ?

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2022 10:22 am
by BelzeButhB
MikeBwca wrote: Wed Feb 16, 2022 1:29 am Have you sent BI Support a request fir this?
No, I'm waiting to find all my problems before