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BI 5 opens in Free Licence (non-commercial use only)

Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2022 9:38 pm
by wilcom
i had problems with older version of BI5 in my computer and just decided to purchase a new version today and paid for the full version. before i downloaded it i completely removed BI5 via Revo uninstaller and then searched my c drive for any left over BI files and deleted them. so this leaves my computer completely clean of any BI products.

then is downloaded the new copy of BI5 from the blue iris website when i purchased it but when i went to open the program i get blank cameras with the names of them that i used on my old "front door" "back door" etc. and it says in the top right of the program "Free Licence (non-commercial use only)" and there is no menu options on the top left side to access features etc and no place to put in my serial number.


Re: BI 5 opens in Free Licence (non-commercial use only)

Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2022 9:51 pm
by wilcom
ok, i made a mistake. it does not say "free license" that was from the top of my screen while i was in teamviewer and has nothing to do with BI.

but the top of the BI5 screen still does not show any options in the top left to use BI or put in my serial number.

Re: BI 5 opens in Free Licence (non-commercial use only)

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2022 4:09 pm
by YrbkMgr
i had problems with older version of BI5 in my computer and just decided to purchase a new version today
So you had Blue Iris version 5 installed and were having problems, so you purchased Blue Iris 5. Is that what you're saying? You might consider the following: Jerry McGuire.

In my experience, best practices for uninstalling windows applications is via control panel. You still have BI in your registry.
All settings for Blue Iris are stored in a registry key. Enter REGEDIT into the Windows search box to open the registry editor. Search for:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Perspective Software\Blue Iris

Re: BI 5 opens in Free Licence (non-commercial use only)

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2022 6:01 pm
by TimG
Yes, they will be kept in the registry as YrbkMgr said. Interesting problem though, can you show us screen shots ? I guess you will be too busy making it work first :?