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v4 to v5 upgrade - Export settings... Warning

Posted: Fri Aug 02, 2019 6:46 am
by MikeBwca
I upgraded from v4 to v5 last month.

I feel really dumb, but I just noticed that since v5, when I've been exporting BI & camera settings, they have all been going to the v4 folder!
Exported BI & Camera settings to the the v5 folder. The first export change sets the default path.

Registry is fine. But I noticed there are still some paths for v4. Specifically sound paths for alerts.

I backed up the registry, the old v4 folder, and v5 folder.
Shutdown BI. Had too for the next step.
Deleted the v4 folder. I had already uninstalled v4.
Started BI. Everything seems fine. All alerts & sounds working fine.
Hummmm. Strange.

Sent an email to BI support about this.

Re: v4 to v5 upgrade - Export settings... Warning

Posted: Fri Aug 02, 2019 10:28 pm
by reddawg
Some older versions of Blue Iris 5 did not convert all BI4 settings to reflect where BI5 was installed. You can correct this by using REGEDIT to export BI5 settings and then open the REG file using NOTEPAD and perform a search and replace on any references to Blue Iris 4 and change them to Blue Iris 5.

1. Open a CMD prompt with "Run as Administrator" privileges

2. Backup BI5 settings using REGEDIT

[ For 64-bit version of Blue Iris 5 ]
REGEDIT /E "%USERPROFILE%\Desktop\BlueIris_v5.reg" "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Perspective Software"

[ For 32-bit version of Blue Iris 5 ]
REGEDIT /E "%USERPROFILE%\Desktop\BlueIris_v5.reg" "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Perspective Software"

3. Open the REG file you created called "BlueIris_v5.reg" using Notepad.

4. Perform a search and replace, (Edit -> Replace) and enter the following:

Find what: Blue Iris 4
Replace with: Blue Iris 5
BI5ReplaceAll.png (36.49 KiB) Viewed 4815 times
5. Click "Replace All".

6. Save the changes in NOTEPAD and exit.

7. Double click on the REG file called "BlueIris_v5.reg" to commit the Blue Iris settings changes to the Windows registry.

That's it. I have done this on two PC's and it worked perfectly.