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Record only motion when B/W

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2022 8:45 pm
by burntpepsi
Has anyone found a way to trigger motion recording only when the camera is recording black&white (IR) only?
The scheduling option only allows for specific days or times but night vision doesn't run on a schedule. It comes on when it is dark enough.
That's when I want to record motion, never when the picture is color during the day.
Thank you!

Re: Record only motion when B/W

Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2022 12:03 am
by YrbkMgr
Has anyone found a way to trigger motion recording only when the camera is recording black&white (IR) only?
Of course they have - Night profiles are common as house dirt. Check out the Blue Iris Support channel on YT Profiles and Schedules and the Profiles and Schedules article in the Self Help section of the forum.

If you get stuck, let us know.

Re: Record only motion when B/W

Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2022 1:50 am
by HeneryH
I use the option in the schedule to adjust for sunset at different times of year. You can have it go into night mode at sunset+30m and that time will change throughout the year.

Re: Record only motion when B/W

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2022 7:33 pm
by atreyu
Sort of a strange request without the details. Why would you want to record only when in night mode? Is it a time of day thing that roughly matches your interest? A schedule that roughly matches local sunrise/sunset would seem the best bet. Or is it because its a room and you just want motion when the lights are off (i.e. not intentionally occupied by the owner)?

If you truly wanted to to run only when in night/dark mode you theoretically could have third-party software analyzing trigger images and looking for color. Then somehow get that back to BI. Unless your camera has some way to poll for it. Ooh. If it's a room with lights, you could quite likely do some home automation and send a signal to BI when the lights are turned off. Whether it's a light sensor or monitoring/controlling the current to the lights.

Or just let it record both, the select-delete the recorded segments in the light if having both is a problem.

A curious request indeed. I would guess we'll never know the details...

Re: Record only motion when B/W

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2022 8:27 pm
by HeneryH
The OP is one of those who post a question and then never return.