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MQTT logging

Posted: Fri Jul 21, 2023 2:43 pm
by burner
I configure MQTT events to blueiris and start wonder that MQTT implementation is done quite much perspective of old IO channels.
I like to suggest feature what allow enable global MQTT events. Basically one check box what enable that BI will automatically send all motion events, AI augmentation informations (object types, licence plates), recording events, disk usage information, error logs, information log and so on to MQTT. That alow much better MQTT integration and then it works how MQTT is usually ment to use. Also it can listen by default paths what allow enable recording ans do on.
Yes some of these are doable with manual static configuration for each cameta and each function. But it would be much usable just do global enable that it will publish all available info in mqtt by using hard coded paths. User will configure just base path and blueiris will use standard structure for rest. That will allow also home automation plugin programmers to make integrations plugins because paths are pre defined.

Re: MQTT logging

Posted: Fri Jul 21, 2023 2:59 pm
by TimG
As a MQTT user I understand what you are after, and it has certainly been a steep learning curve getting things like ALPR results from BI5/CPAI into HomeSeer. For the moment I would prefer the Help file to fully catch up with CPAI so that we understand all available payloads.

For the future you could suggest this to Support.