Trigger Colorvu LED through BI

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Trigger Colorvu LED through BI

Post by Mondy »

Hi all,

New to CCTV, and blueiris. Loving the program so far, and need to look through many more things on the forum.

I am struggling with getting BlueIris to trigger the White LED on my Hikvision Colorvu cameras. I can manually turn the lights on and off by utilizing the 'Toggle IR Lights' function. I have been trying to use the inbuilt (to hikvision) AI for detection, however it is less than ideal and is very difficult to fine tune. I have Codeproject AI running, and it is detecting and recording correctly on alerting.

Ideally I would be able to have a camera detect motion, AI to confirm the event and then turn on the camera lights (when it is outside of daylight hours, I've already got this schedule configured).

Am I missing something or is this not able to be done yet?

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Re: Trigger Colorvu LED through BI

Post by TimG »

I do similar by using Homeseer to turn on mains powered lights. MQTT and even ONVIF commands can be read by Homeseer.

In your case, if there is a command that can be sent to trigger those lights, then you could add that to an Alert action.
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Re: Trigger Colorvu LED through BI

Post by IAmATeaf »

Would it not be better to turn on the light in motion? Would this not give AI a better chance of identification?

I suppose a negative would be that the light would always go on as soon as it detects motion?
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Re: Trigger Colorvu LED through BI

Post by Mondy »

richards wrote: Sun Aug 27, 2023 2:45 pm Please email support and ask for this. There are Hikvision and Dahua and other cameras that support visual and audio alarms. It would be very easy to implement. If very few people ask, it will never get done.
Thanks, will for sure. I would've thought it would be an existing feature, but it appears like it may not be
TimG wrote: Sat Aug 26, 2023 6:14 pm I do similar by using Homeseer to turn on mains powered lights. MQTT and even ONVIF commands can be read by Homeseer.
Yep, I will eventually be doing the same with HA and mains spotlights, however for now the camera light seems sufficient.
IAmATeaf wrote: Sun Aug 27, 2023 4:48 pm Would it not be better to turn on the light in motion? Would this not give AI a better chance of identification?

I suppose a negative would be that the light would always go on as soon as it detects motion?
Yeah, the thing I am trying to avoid is the light flashing on and off all the time throughout the night. Doesn't bother me, but will annoy the neighbors eventually

Its probably also worth noting that when the light comes on and it is dark outside, there is a period where the image is over-exposed for about a second, which would be too long for the AI be able to pick something up and confirm. The Colorvu performance of a night time isn't an issue, they're quite incredible cameras. The white light is really just for deterring people around the vehicles parked out the front of the house of a night
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