wondering if someone else came across this strange problem.
I setup a script to send me an alarm and the picture that triggered the alarm via pushover (following published manual here).
Occasionally I hit this problem - when the camera sees something it send a notification with the correct date/time but the picture it attaches is from the old alarm.
To debug this further I also run a simple .bat file that saves the current date, time and value of @ALERT_PATH into a txt file.
Todat I got a notification saying that camera "vigigarage" deteced "nothing" at 11:44:26.821
This message indeed was delivered at 11:44 but the image that it had attached was taken two days ago!
I checked my debug file and found this:
Code: Select all
"New run at:"
Sun 03/09/2023
Got argument:C:\BlueIris\Alerts\vigigarage.20230901_180409.0.3-1.jpg
"New run at:"
Sun 03/09/2023
Got argument:C:\BlueIris\Alerts\vigigarage.20230903_114426.0.3-1.jpg
However when it was triggered the second time - the content of @ALERT_PATH was set from the previous event - 20230903_114426 (exactly 11:44:26)
I can confirm I have "Hi-Res JPEG files" option selected when triggered.
Did I just miss something, any option I need to select/check/tick?
I am pretty much ready to write another script that would capture the image directly from BI URL but it won't have an overlay with marked movement I guess.
Thank you!!