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How to setup license plate recognition?
Posted: Fri Sep 22, 2023 1:29 am
by Festerman
I just installed two Hikvision iDS-2CD7A46G0-IZHSY cameras today. These cameras were advertised to offer license plate recognition yet I don't see anything in the configuration about that. I was under the assumption that images containing license plates would be sent via email?
Anyways, I downloaded the trial version of BI 5 and I need some help setting this up. I dont see any option in Blue Iris regarding license plate recognition. Please help.
Re: How to setup license plate recognition?
Posted: Fri Sep 22, 2023 4:10 am
by Thixotropic
You'll need to install one of the AI packages out there, probably
Then open the CPAI web interface (from within BI), add/activate the LPR module and start testing.
Re: How to setup license plate recognition?
Posted: Fri Sep 22, 2023 4:37 am
by Festerman
Actually before I get to that part, I noticed that I can't even view license plates at night at all!. I have a plate leaning against a tree that is pointing dead on at the camera, yet it is glowing white and unreadable. I tried messing around in the image settings but could not fix it. Does this model not support license plate recognition at night or something? I havent tested daytime yet, but I assume it works fine. I hope I didn't buy the wrong model because I am outside of the return period.
Re: How to setup license plate recognition?
Posted: Fri Sep 22, 2023 8:34 am
by IAmATeaf
I don’t do LPR but from what I’ve read they seem to be dedicated cams that are zoomed into a particular area/region and at night are set to have a very fast shutter speed so overall the entire pic except for the number plate is dark.
If you using the cam as an overview hoping to double up as an LPR then you might have to think again?
Also, again I don’t know much about it but isn’t there a 3rd party piece of paid software that is used, seem to recall there being options in BI for something along these lines but I’m not on the very latest version of BI so can’t say for sure.
Re: How to setup license plate recognition?
Posted: Fri Sep 22, 2023 3:28 pm
by Festerman
It looks like I will also need the 8-32mm lens model as well as this is as zoomed in as I can get and cant make out anything. Would these tree trunks cause issues with the LPR functionality?
Re: How to setup license plate recognition?
Posted: Fri Sep 22, 2023 4:22 pm
by TimG
Hi, you have started at the difficult end of cctv, BI5 is difficult on it's own without ALPR !
1. The cameras may be good for ALPR, but unless they cost £$£$ they are unlikely to do any processing themselves. They are likely to be sensitive in the dark, and to have a high shutter speed.
2. Your camera needs to get an image with the complete car in it so that you can
read that numberplate. More OPTICAL zoom required as you stated.
3. That will probably allow you to see between the trees.
4. Blue Iris has a 3rd party
paid ALPR plug-in, and the free but rather difficult to use (and still in beta) CPAI which has a ALPR module created by MikeLud.
5. Getting ALPR to work in daylight is difficult. Getting it to work at night will need IR lighting and help from Harry Potter (Unless MikeLud is available with hints).
6. What are you expecting to do with the license plate numbers ? They do appear in the BI5 Log, but I have them (CPAI) being outputted by MQTT to Homeseer where they are stored or used for automation controls. This is not simple to set up.
Re: How to setup license plate recognition?
Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2023 12:08 am
by Festerman
The purpose of the license plate recognition functionality for me is to help me track noise disturbances on my road to their rightfull owner. It appears that I actually ordered the wrong model, as the one I have doesn't actually support APNR. I am not looking for fancy integrations or anything, just a snapshot of each plate that can be emailed to me is all I need. Would it be better to just use the built in APNR for Hikvision since I dont need to use BI for anything else?
Re: How to setup license plate recognition?
Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2023 5:50 am
by TimG
I don't know anything about the Hikvision solution so I can't comment there, however it is likely to work in a straightforward manner and give you a list.
The BI5 solution is extremely powerful, but difficult to set up.
Whatever you choose, the camera will have to get a big enough image of a license plate to be able to read it.