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Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2023 1:50 pm
by f6pilot
I don't think there is a solution for this, but in case I'm wrong... I have geofence and related profiles all set up and it seems to be working well except for one thing: when I pull in my driveway I get a notification that I have entered my geofence. When I go inside my house, however, Blue Iris shoots me a notification saying I have gone outside the geofence and switches to my "Away" profile. I can be sitting in my living room with my phone and Blue Iris will intermittently alternate between inside and outside the geofence. I think this is because my house has a metal roof and the GPS signal is too weak. But then I think about all those thousands of businesses and other homes in metal buildings or with metal roofs and wonder if geofence just isn't an option for them, too. Am I missing something or do I need to start leaving my phone out in the yard when I come home? :lol:

Perhaps I need to start shopping for a GPS repeater $$$$$.

Re: Geofence

Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2023 6:02 am
by TimG
If leaving the phone outside fixes it, then I guess you are right about the metal roof. There will be other methods of proving you are home, and the trick will be interfacing them with BI5.
Do you have a home automation set up ?

Re: Geofence

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2023 1:54 pm
by f6pilot
No, I do not. I am just starting to get a pretty good grip on BI5: Profiles, Triggers, & Alerts are no longer a complete mystery, but I do not know about Home Automation.