Camera just stopped working after a year

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Camera just stopped working after a year

Post by ugly »

I've had my current setup with BI for about a year and everything was working fine. All of a sudden, a couple days ago, one of my 16 cameras just stopped working with BI. I can still access the camera directly using the web interface and everything seems to be fine. It's an Amcrest IP8M-T2599EW.

I've rebooted the camera and the computer. It's a poe camera, so I unplugged it from the network and gave it a bit before plugging it back in (power cycle). I tried removing it from BI and then adding it back by duplicating a functioning camera and changing the IP in the camera config. I've tried ONVIF auto discovery. Nothing has worked.

Not sure what else to try or do.
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Re: Camera just stopped working after a year

Post by ugly »

I fixed it!

It must have been an update to BI, or something, that broke it but it seems like the issue had to do with the sub stream set to MJPEG where all my other cameras have a sub stream set to h265. As soon as I made that change in the web interface for the camera, I was once again able to view the feed in BI.

Hope no one else has this issue, but if you do, I hope this helps.
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Re: Camera just stopped working after a year

Post by TimG »

So the camera changed the sub-stream to mjpg rather than a BI5 setting ? Good find, but what can have done that ?
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