Analyze with AI shows nothing

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Analyze with AI shows nothing

Post by MrMark »

With one particular camera, Testing & Tuning / Analyze with AI shows nothing. It seems to work as expected with all other cameras. And that camera does have alerts that show "person", so I really don't get it. What could I be missing?

EDIT: I just noticed that one other camera has the same problem. Both of the cameras that show no Analyze with AI results are installed in portrait mode - is that a known issue? The cameras are otherwise dissimilar with one being 2MP and the other being 5MP, so not even the same aspect ratio. I have a 4MP camera that is working fine in portrait mode...same 16:9 aspect ratio as the 2MP that doesn't work.
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Re: Analyze with AI shows nothing

Post by TimG »

Assuming that you are using AI on those two cameras, I would start by checking that assumption :lol:

Enable DAT files on them both and take a look at at the DAT files to see what is going on. Testing & Tuning / Analyze with AI isn't quite the same thing. Post screen shots of the DAT files here :D
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Re: Analyze with AI shows nothing

Post by MrMark »

Hi Tim, I really appreciate the reply. I'm sorry I didn't see it sooner, but for whatever reason, I never received an email notification from the forum.

Anyway, I'm not sure what you are asking me to do, so I made a little screen share video where I attempted to show you what I'm seeing:

Does that help?
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Re: Analyze with AI shows nothing

Post by TimG »

Hi, you have the right DAT files, but there is an easier method to open them.


1. Camera settings/Alerts/Artificial Intelligence. Ticking "Save AI analysis details" will create DAT files for that camera. Turn them off when not required, as they use space.
2. You can open a DAT file from the Alert video but only if that specific camera is set up to create them.
3. You hold down the Ctrl button and double click the Alert image. That should open up the DAT file in the Status/AI window you saw earlier.

A healthy DAT file should look like this:

healthy1.png (103.1 KiB) Viewed 6644 times

In that DAT file, you can see what I have used to confirm an Alert, that I have "boat" in "To cancel" which forces BI5 to carry on checking images after the first find (No boats in our road) up to the maximum you have set in "+ real time images" for that camera, and that custom model "ipcam-combined" took 41ms to identify a car. Note that an asterisk next to an entry shows that was the chosen image.

Your DAT file is showing red X marks, so something is wrong. There is also no Json text in the bottom window. My server logs look more like this:

serverlogs.png (128.46 KiB) Viewed 6644 times

And my Log file will show:

log.png (31.96 KiB) Viewed 6644 times

I can see in the video that CPAI is working for your other cameras, but not for "FrontPorch". One of the simplest way to BREAK the AI is to make a mistake in "To confirm" or on the "Custom models:" line for a camera. When I look at your DAT file, it appears to show "person,,bicycle..." i.e two commas where there should be one. That is the "To confirm:" line in Alert/Artificial intelligence in that camera menu. Can you remove that extra comma and see if it fixes it ?
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Re: Analyze with AI shows nothing

Post by TimG »

I see you found that one, and "upcam" too. These are all silent killers for this. Spaces between person/dog/cat ? No, you need to remove them to "person,dog,cat" :!: It goes against the grain, but hey, if it works.

I am running the latest BI5 here, and all is well :D

It's usually the basics, but I have no idea why those settings reverted - unless you accidently pressed "Cancel" instead of "OK". Back everything up when it works.
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Re: Analyze with AI shows nothing

Post by MrMark »

That's a WAY better way to open the DAT files! I think I might have known that at one time, but it's hard to keep up with such secrets when one isn't doing it every day. And BI itself gives no hint of such in the user interface. If nothing else, it could be in the right-click context. It's almost as if I'm expected to just intuitively know everything somehow. I think Blue Iris would be even more amazing than what I have already experienced, if only I could really learn it. Or just look it up somewhere. Although, I'm sure it would be quite a challenge to fully document Blue Iris alone, let alone the interaction with CPAI. It's unfortunate too that there is more information about DeepStack than there is about CodeProject AI...and much of even that info seems to have been lost in the forum crash. Frustrating.

As for the spaces, I did not know that. All of mine have spaces. If that's an actual issue, I need to work on that!

And then there are the inexplicable things that make BI stop working altogether. Like the time it kept deleting clips until none were left. I'm sure that at least some of it has to do with updates, because one day it seems to be working fine and then the next day it's not working at all. I have to admit that I'm reluctant to risk breaking it again by updating yet again. I wish I had more time to play with it.
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