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IP POE cam?
Posted: Sun Dec 31, 2023 6:51 pm
by tardigrade
What am I missing. I have a couple of InVid Tech IP POE cams that will not connect. After not seeing them in BI, I tried ping and arp; neither respond. Tried several different known good patch cables (bench testing these first...) but nothing. Even connected directly to the PC and set up ad hoc direct connect just to see if either would ping (used power supply since no POE there.) I factory reset... I'm out of ideas, surly I didn't get two bad cameras. They do power up, when I covered the lens with my hand, they switch to IR.
Re: IP POE cam?
Posted: Sun Dec 31, 2023 7:05 pm
by TimG
Are you able to log in to the camera menu's (Not BI5) to ensure that RTSP or ONVIF is on ? If not give ODM (Onvif Device Manager) a try.
I note that the Invid website shows one range of their cameras having a default IP address in the 10.x.x.x range, so you may need to use their tools to get them into the range you are using.
Have a look and let us know what you can see.
Re: IP POE cam?
Posted: Sun Dec 31, 2023 7:40 pm
by tardigrade
No, the InVid web server does not connect either. I've retried (and retrying) each of the IPs listed by InVid for the various products just in case the set up guide has a typo or I fat fingered something.
Re: IP POE cam?
Posted: Sun Dec 31, 2023 8:27 pm
by HeneryH
Work with one at a time in case they are both set with static IP addresses. Having multiple devices hardcoded to the same IP address could be a problem.
Also work with their embeded web UI first (not BI) to make sure you can log in and do basic camera config.
Re: IP POE cam?
Posted: Sun Dec 31, 2023 9:12 pm
by tardigrade
Correct, they have the same default IP. I started with one of them, went through the procedure a few times and then decided possibly a bad one (happens to the best of them and often my luck to get one...). I then went though "the procedure" again with the second one. At that point I realized I probably should ask for help. We use IP based BMS controls at work so I figured the same check out should would work here; if they don't pull right in, then check wiring, comm, ping, etc... cables test good and work on other devices, unmanaged switch is working with other devices. I have to be missing something, can't have two bad out of the box cameras back to back... Without the factory setup page working, I can't get into them to check settings.