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Drive issues following migrating BI into a VM

Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2024 6:19 pm
by mattyts
Issues with disk access following migration/virtualization

Hi all,

I've recently tried to migrate my BI setup from running on the host OS (Server 2019) onto a VM (Server 2019 too), running on the same host. I've largely done this so I can back the VM up and move to a new physical server if needed without reconfiguring much.

I'm using Hyper-V, I shared my recording drive (E:) so I could map it to the VM as a network drive (I believe this is best practice for HyperV, to pass through physical drives into a VM by mapping them as network drives), this went okay - I can access all my previous recordings, still images etc off the VM through file explorer.

I exported the current BI config into a file through the main settings menu, installed BI on the VM, added my license key & imported the config file before deactivating and closing my original BI setup. All was going okay, all settings carried across & it asked to regenerate the DB, which I clicked ok. All my previous recordings are viewable in the GUI of the new BI on the VM, but it won't record anything & I have a red cross with "disks offline".

In the storage tab, all the folder paths (New, Stored, Aux etc) point to the original drive folders (E:/Stored etc) and have a red bar underneath. I've tried changing the path to UNC format, ie "\\Server\E:\Stored" which didn't help. I also tried going through the file explorer option and manually selecting the folders, which hasn't helped either and would just change the filepath back to local ie E:\Stored. It's really odd that BI can see all the old footage in the timeline view, and I can access the disc from the VMs file explorer, and even see the folders when trying to select them in the BI storage tab.

The log files show disk not ready.

Am I missing something? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

Re: Drive issues following migrating BI into a VM

Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2024 8:27 pm
by IAmATeaf
If you’ve mapped a network drive to the share then does it not have a drive letter?