Trigger an event when camera restarted from android app

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Posts: 16
Joined: Mon Sep 11, 2023 5:54 pm

Trigger an event when camera restarted from android app

Post by PeteDD »

I use the Android Blue Iris app a lot to view my cameras, especially when away from home. This works great.
Occasionally, one of the cameras will hang and the only solution is to cycle the power on the camera. "Reboot Device" nor "Restart" work to adequately reset the camera in this situation.
To solve this, I have an ESP32/WiFi/Relay board which I can trigger from a web page (or with an http message) to momentarily cut the power to an individual camera or all of the cameras to accomplish the power cycling.
What I would like to do is combine that functionality with the Android app such that when I send either the "Restart" or the "Reboot Device" command from the Android app that the Blue Iris app sends an http message (web request)
to the ESP32 board. I know how to do this for example with a trigger event but have not yet found where (if anywhere) in the Blue Iris app that I can set up a web request when the camera is reset.
Can anyone point me in the right direction?
Posts: 16
Joined: Mon Sep 11, 2023 5:54 pm

Re: Trigger an event when camera restarted from android app

Post by PeteDD »

Wow... I didn't think I could stump this brilliant group so easily...
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