Recording only during daylight hours

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Recording only during daylight hours

Post by f6pilot »

I am running BI x64. I have 7 cameras. I have 2 profiles, Away and Home which switch with Geofencing. I only record 3 cameras, and they record continuously. This is all working well.

One of those 3 recording cameras is zoomed into my bird feeder. I only need it to record during daylight hours because, obviously, there are no birds feeding at night. I want my other 2 recording cameras to continue to record 24/7. I have tried setting up a global "Sunrise/Sunset" profile, I have tried setting up a Sunrise/Sunset schedule in that particular camera's settings, I have tried "Override global schedule for this camera" and as many combinations of all these as I can imagine. By now I think I am very familiar with how to use the Sunrise/Sunset drawing features, "Relative to sunrise/sunset" setting, and all that, but for the life of me, I can not get this to work. No matter what I try, when I click "OK" and the camera resets, it goes to Profile 0 - Inactive.

This seems like it must be a terribly easy thing to accomplish, but obviously, I am missing something. Please help.

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Re: Recording only during daylight hours

Post by Pogo »

There are a couple ways to do this. The simplest is probably what is shown below.

Record Schedule.jpg
Record Schedule.jpg (118.97 KiB) Viewed 1473 times

The normal green active Profile 1 is the period of recording by virtue of the Record settings of the camera if it is set to record. Just schedule the desired start and stop time points accordingly using the bubble arrows or the time window. Click on each arrow to set 'Relative to sunrise/sunset' if so desired. (This function is only available if established in the Main Settings Schedule configuration and requires precise lat/long entries in order to be accurately effective for a specific location.)

Select a second Profile for the period of no recording to occupy the desired non-recording period. Then simply select that profile in the camera's record settings, uncheck the Sync with Profile 1 and Video boxes to eliminate recording for that Profile during its scheduled active period. It will still do everything else, just not record.

Check the Override boxes to eliminate conflicts/interference by any Global settings. The 'Continue to display' box does what it sounds like it does -- still provides a stream even if the camera's is scheduled to be inactive. An 'Inactive' placeholder screen will otherwise be displayed.

I could be missing any number of details, but I think this is the basic approach to what you want to accomplish.
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