Hi! I am using a Tasmota ESP32 Cam to get a picture every minute. The BlueIris camera object is configured to request a snapshot.jpg (i.e. no mjpg stream). Now I want to activate the camera‘s LED while the snapshot is taken (for about 2 seconds?) which can be done using http gets (on and off). I already configured the BlueIris camera accordingly, so I can manually switch the LED using the lightbulb icon.
Is there a way to automatically switch the LED on before a snapshot is requested and switch it off thereafter?
activate LED on camera while getting snapshot?
Re: activate LED on camera while getting snapshot?
I may be wrong but I don't think so. Thus looks like something that could be sorted with Home Assistant on a raspi though.
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Re: activate LED on camera while getting snapshot?
I created my own tasmota version with an new function wcSnapshotFlash, which switches the LED on while getting the snapshot.
New problems exist, though. I will start a new thread...
New problems exist, though. I will start a new thread...