UISP-R and getting port 8080 open

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UISP-R and getting port 8080 open

Post by Fixxer »

I am having quite a time getting port 8080 open on my UISP-R router. Has anyone delt with one of these routers? I have been messing with NAT and Firewall rules trying to get it to work but I just keep getting connection timeouts when i check at canyouseeme.org. The modem is in transparent bridge mode, so my porblem has to be in the router config- I must not be getting something right.
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Re: UISP-R and getting port 8080 open

Post by TimG »

In the UK we suffer from CGNAT which prevents you opening WORKING WAN ports in your router due to the fact CGNAT at your ISP level is sharing a WAN IP between multiple properties. I had to pay extra to get a static WAN IP to get around that. If things are not making sense with router settings, and you think you have them right, could it be a possibility ?
I note that a forum user has posted about using Tailscale to bypass this in the UK, and I guess a normal VPN could do it too.
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Re: UISP-R and getting port 8080 open

Post by Fixxer »

TimG wrote: Thu Sep 05, 2024 6:20 pm In the UK we suffer from CGNAT which prevents you opening WORKING WAN ports in your router due to the fact CGNAT at your ISP level is sharing a WAN IP between multiple properties. I had to pay extra to get a static WAN IP to get around that. If things are not making sense with router settings, and you think you have them right, could it be a possibility ?
I note that a forum user has posted about using Tailscale to bypass this in the UK, and I guess a normal VPN could do it too.
Yeah, Good point, I called them and they don't have anything that should be stopping the packets from getting through, the modem is in transparent bridge mode and the ISP tells me that there are no features in the modem that could cause incoming packets to get dropped.
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Re: UISP-R and getting port 8080 open

Post by Fixxer »

I tried setting both the LAN and WAN ports the same at 81 instead of 81 and 8080 but that didn't work either
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Re: UISP-R and getting port 8080 open

Post by Fixxer »

Well, after messing with firewall and NAT settings at length and getting nowhere, I discovered something called NGROK. First, you set up a free Ngrok account and if you login to said NGROK account on the server, it will give you instructions on how to set it up depending on what OS you are using. Basically, the application is just a single file TSR executable that you run on the NVR with a command line that you get from the main page when you login to NGROK. The defaults work just fine, just change the command line to localhost:81 if you are using port 81 for BlueIris locally. Then, once ngrok is running on the server, you go back to your Ngrok dashboard and look over to the left where it says "endpoints" click on that and you will find a randomly generated subdomain that ends with ngrok-free.app. just type that into a browser window at your remote location and click "visit site" Then the UI3 login will come up and you can log in to Blue Iris remotely. Under the web server tab in blue iris, there is also a ngrok check box that i beleive needs to be checked. Anyway, this works great if you cant manage to get your router to cooperate.
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