Camera without group permission showing alert image on All Cameras view in Android App

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Camera without group permission showing alert image on All Cameras view in Android App

Post by no3grover »

I've noticed a new behavior, which may be a bug. One camera (alert image) that does not have any groups assigned is showing in the "All Cameras" view in the app when triggered (right column). The logged in user only has access to certain groups, and this camera does not show in the camera list (correct), however alert images from the camera, that the user should not be able to see, are showing up in the All Cameras (Index), first image shown on the cameras view of the Android App on the right column. Interestingly, I have 2 cameras configure the same way (no groups defined) and only 1 shows up this way, the other does not show up as a triggered alert image in the All Cameras view.

I first noticed this a few months ago but never had a chance to look into it. Running the latest Android mobile app and latest stable release of BI.

As I understand it, the user logging in only has access to a select list of groups. This camera is not a member of any group, so the user should have any rights to view this camera, however it seems to show alert images in the All Cameras group incorrectly.
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