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Microsoft Basic Authentication

Posted: Wed Sep 25, 2024 11:00 am
by Bigkap
BI will not send emails re triggered alarms via Microsoft SMTP

I get "Error with user authentication; Server says: 535 5.7.139 Authentication unsuccessful, basic authentication is disabled"

Microsoft have changed their user authentication

As some others have asked, is ther a fix to this?


Re: Microsoft Basic Authentication

Posted: Thu Sep 26, 2024 8:12 pm
by Chris Reade
Same problem, I didn't know about Microsoft changing their SMTP authorisation process this month. The change was allegedly on the 16th.

I've spent most of the day reading the mainly useless Microsoft help pages and gave up. Gave in and contacted their online help, which routed me to a help desk in China! Spent the next 5 minutes trying to explain I'm from England and funny enough don't speak Chinese. However she was most helpful and routed me to another help desk in Europe who thought I needed help with a piece of Microsoft equipment I don't have! Gave up and went out.

Tried again tonight, this time got the right help desk but someone who didn't know the answer either, didn't even know that they had changed their authorisation policy. After consultation with someone higher up the answer according to them is load the latest version of Outlook and create a new profile and load all your old email addresses into it following their online links which I was provided with. Which didn't work, never thought it would!

Basically what Microsoft said during the online chat was they've changed the way the SMTP authorisation works and it's up to Blue Iris to change their software to suit.

I've forwarded on the Microsoft page about the changes to Blue Iris and await a response.

Re: Microsoft Basic Authentication

Posted: Fri Sep 27, 2024 7:24 am
by Bigkap
Hi Chris,
Yes I know the frustration.
I went online and got conflicting answers and couldn't understand them so I gave up.
That was most of Tuesday.

My temporary measure is to use my Talktalk SMTP until I find a solution.
Like you I read its something that BI need to sort out.
Lets hope someone comes back with a simple answer or, a graphic description of how we can sort this out.
Or even if BI can add something to the software.


Re: Microsoft Basic Authentication

Posted: Fri Sep 27, 2024 1:46 pm
by Chris Reade
That was my next thought, which free email accounts are there which are still work with the current version of BI.

If I remember I did set one up with Gmail when Outlook included OneDrive and changed their attachment limits. OneDrive within Outlook you cannot disable or remove from your PC. However the Gmail account seems to have the same authorisation problems as I could never get it to work.

Re: Microsoft Basic Authentication

Posted: Fri Sep 27, 2024 2:01 pm
by Chris Reade
Just found this about Gmail, I assume Outlook is now the same.

"Gmail stopped allowing the account password for SMTP authentication, and now requires an App Password. So, you will need to enable 2-step verification in the remote account, then get an App Password from the account settings."

"An app password is a 16-digit passcode that gives a less secure app or device permission to access your Google Account. App passwords can only be used with accounts that have 2-Step Verification turned on."

I'm now guessing that my Outlook accounts will have to be changed to 2-step verification, cannot wait to find out how to do that, then get Outlook to generate a 16 digit passcode? Then use this passcode in BI instead of my normal password for the email account. That easy, don't think so for one second!

Still waiting on BI to respond to my help request.

Re: Microsoft Basic Authentication

Posted: Fri Sep 27, 2024 2:57 pm
by Chris Reade
Well that didn't work, what a surprise!

Turned on 2-step verification with one of my Outlook accounts and generated a 16 digit passcode. Entered this into the password section on the Edit Email Server page and it connected but still the same error code.

Re: Microsoft Basic Authentication

Posted: Sat Sep 28, 2024 10:41 am
by Chris Reade
I have email alerts working again but not with Outlook.

I read the BI help files for email servers which use Gmail as an example on how to set one up. I then found this video on Youtube.

I created a new Gmail email account, couldn't remember the one I set up last year. Then followed the instructions in the video and it worked. Remember to change the Outgoing SMTP Server to the new server for each camera/doorbell you have.

I've received a response from BI and Ken is looking into changing Microsoft/Outlook to OAuth authorisation the same as Gmail.

Re: Microsoft Basic Authentication

Posted: Mon Oct 07, 2024 7:59 am
by Bigkap
The same here.
I set up Gmail to send alerts via my Hotmail account as per video.
Hotmail did not receive anything but in Gmail sent, they are there!
So dont understand why they are not sent!
There is more then enough space on Gmail so its definitely nothing to do with quota of allowed space.
So I presume Ken still hasn't had the chance to do anything unless, there is an update that Ive missed!

Re: Microsoft Basic Authentication

Posted: Thu Oct 10, 2024 1:28 am
by BR116
@Chirs Reade,
No news from Ken?

Re: Microsoft Basic Authentication

Posted: Thu Oct 10, 2024 7:59 am
by Bigkap
Nothing at my end.
I have updated to 5.9.0 which has the Microsoft/ Live setting.
I went through the set up and BI is now registered with Microsoft.
However, "Error with user authentication. Server says 535. 5.7.3"
So that didnt work.
Hopefully someone can answer