I use Blue Iris version 4. Just recently I started seeing 'motion rectangles & blots' around all the animals and people that moved in video clips that were saved. I will try and attach a photo showing what I mean by blots, once I can get it to the correct size.
If I save a portion of a clip using the Start & Stop triangles and then play this portion back, the blots and rectangles are gone. BTW, on the Trigger tab I have selected 'Do Not Highlight Motion'.
Any idea what is causing this and how to eliminate it? Thanks in advance.
Blots and Rectangles Around Action items
Re: Blots and Rectangles Around Action items
Here is a photo of the
blots I have experiencedRe: Blots and Rectangles Around Action items
I discovered what was causing these blots when playing my clip videos. If you right click on a video, a menu will drop down. One of the menu items is 'Test run video through motion detector'. I had inadvertently checked this box. Once I unchecked the box, the blots no longer appeared on subsequent videos.
Re: Blots and Rectangles Around Action items
Thank you for letting us know. Good one
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