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Clips and Archiving not monitoring folder size correctly

Posted: Mon Sep 23, 2019 11:50 pm
by xtremaxs
Ever since I upgraded to BI5 my files are not moving like they used to on BI4. The BVR files are moving as expected; however, I have the New folder setup to convert/export to MP4 file on same machine (Stored folder). Stored folder is then monitored for size and supposed to backup to my NAS box via FTP. This whole setup worked perfectly on BI4. I've been monitoring logs and it appears that the process to monitor the size of the folder is not taking into account the MP4 files. Perhaps it's only monitoring the size if there are BVR files in there (not sure...haven't tested other file types). All the logs show my Stored folder which houses the converted MP4 files at 0K/30.0G. I've played around with using a different folder, check permissions (happens with just console and with service both running on local admin account with access to all folders), and even rebuilt the database/blueiris clip folder with all new manually entered settings.

Has anyone else encountered this?

BI5 running on a IBM PowerEdge server running Windows Server 2008 fully updated.


Re: Clips and Archiving not monitoring folder size correctly

Posted: Tue Sep 24, 2019 1:52 pm
by rjchu
I _just_ finished upgrading in place from BI4 to the latest BI5 (downloaded just before upgrading) and while it looks like everything ported over successfully I too am getting disk usage/available warnings/errors. When I go into the status screen the New/Stored/Alerts graph shows I'm using less than the full space allocation but my NAS share graph right above it shows a red "?". It also looks like it might not be recording as there are gaps in the timeline even though all my cameras are set to record continuously. I've tried a Repair DB already and am about to just wipe out all of the stored clips/captures as well as the DB. I assume that will resolve the problem but it's not very convenient.


Re: Clips and Archiving not monitoring folder size correctly

Posted: Tue Sep 24, 2019 2:50 pm
by xtremaxs
I finally got it to see the MP4 file size by manually clicking the Repair database option. This posed a couple new questions.

1. Should it not actively monitor the space without the need of the database repair? (including MP4 files)
2. Should the logs show the scheduled 2:00AM database compact/repair? I don't see that happening in the logs.
